Section: New Results

Data integration and pre-processing with semantic-based technologies

Participants : Olivier Dameron, Xavier Garnier, Yann Rivault, Anne Siegel, Denis Tagu.

Interoperable infrastructure and implementation of a health data model for remote monitoring of chronic diseases with comorbidities In the context of telemedecine, we worked on a numerical application for monitoring patients with chronic diseases. We have developed a system based on a formal ontology that integrates the alert information and the patient data extracted from the electronic health record in order to better classify the importance of alerts. A pilot study was conducted on atrial fibrillation alerts. The results suggest that this approach has the potential to significantly reduce the alert burden in telecardiology  [101], [100]. In 2017, we proposed an architecture supporting data exchange in the context of multiple chronic diseases  [O. Dameron, Y. Rivault] [27].

AskOmics, a web tool to integrate and query biological data using semantic web technologies The software AksOmics has been adapted to two types of scientific topics important in agronomical and environmental sciences: plant genomic data and insect pest genomic data. With AskOmics, plant genomicists (from academic and private labs from the Rapsodyn project - Investment for the future) working on the rapeseed (Brassica napus) are able to tackle the understanding of which gene copy is active or repressed in key developmental processes in relation with seed quality and oil production, in the frame of plant breeding. Additionally, entomologists use this tool to extract valuable knowledge on the way insect pests such as aphids are able to rapidly disseminate on crops, in the frame of free-pesticide methods for plant protection. AskOmics has been presented to the international community of insect genomics (i5k: http://i5k.github.io/ ) by web-seminars and AskOmics developers have been invited at international workshops. For facilitating AskOmics's adoption by end-user, it has recently been integrated within the Galaxy workflow engine [O. Dameron, X. Garnier, A. Siegel, D. Tagu] [28], [29], [23]